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Violencia basada en el género y el rol del Poder Judicial. Gender-based Violence and the Role of the Judicial Power. Claudia Hasanbegovic Ph. Resumen La discriminación, la re-victimización y la impunidad en la respuesta del poder judicial a casos concretos de violencia de género han sido identificados en relación al acceso a la justicia de las mujeres víctimas de la violencia en las Américas CIDH, El Poder Judicial enfrenta en estos casos una alta responsabilidad ética y jurídica de velar por la protección de quienes denuncian.
Palabras clave: violencia basada en el género; acceso a justicia; rol del poder judicial; víctimas vulnerables; empoderamiento a mujeres desde el poder judicial. The Judicial Power has a high ethical and judicial responsibility to safeguard the victims who report violence. Furthermore, the United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and the Brasilia Regulations point out that women and children who are victims of gender-based violence require special protection, and the Inter-American Convention of Belem Do Para establishes specific responsibilities for the Judicial Power.
This article addresses the role of the Judiciary in Latin America regarding cases of gender-based violence, and based on the Ptacek model adapted to our regional reality.
The article proposes judicial responses to empower women and their children, thus obtaining protection and escaping said reality.
Key words: gender-based violence, access to justice, the role of the Judicial Power, vulnerable victims, women empowerment from the judiciary.